Policies & Procedures
Releasing Children to Authorized Persons
- The person is authorized on the emergency card to take the child from the center and is over the age of 18
- The identity of the person has been confirmed
Prescribed Medication at School
Must have a physician or clinic complete the "Request for Medication to be Taken During School Hours" form and submitted to local District Nursing Office to be transcribed prior to administering medication to the child. This form is valid for one calendar year only!
& Out
In order to be able to account for all children, at all times, especially in the event of an emergency, children need to be signed in and out, daily. Also, be sure to notify the center if your child will not attend school. All absences must be called in to the center by 10:00 a.m. with the reason for the absence.
Please inform the school if your child is allergic to any food or medication. All students must have the appropriate district form on the file at the center which may include one or more of the following:
- Medical Statement for Student's Requiring Special Diets
- Request or Medication (if required) - form 33.100A
- Statement from Physician